Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The morning star...


'What a name!' I thought the first time I heard it. That was a long long time back, think it was sometime when I was in the 5th or 6th grade.

I was intrigued, but we did not have access to internet then....so looked the name up in a dictionary, and in an encyclopedia....and found it was the name of the devil. And I thought, how can something so vile have such an enchanting name?

And now that I have easy access to the net, I search for random things to pass my time.

Today's word was Lucifer.

The morning star. The bringer of light.

The bringer of light; the opening of minds and the route to enlightenment.

You are the light of your life; without your light the world descends into black anarchy; there are forces that wish to extinguish your light by imprisoning or brainwashing you into accepting societies mediocrity.

No imagination, no doubt and no light: no life.

Lucifer is enlightenment here and now on Earth, in Man.

Lucifer reveals it to us as a new truth: That your consciousness is the light of your life.

What I find very interesting is that nowhere in the bible could I find anything wrong in what Lucifer did. He had the audacity to question God's way of treating human beings.And what does God do to him? He throws him out.

Interesting behaviour for an all forgiving benevolent God.

And a thought suddenly strikes me...remember all the nice and good movies dealing with faith... I particularly remember "The Polar Express" for no more a reason than that that was the last such movie I saw. All these movies seem to be intent on making us believe that knowledge is not important...we just need to have faith!!!

And in case you have noticed, none of the original religious texts talk much about the Devil. They mostly deal with right and wrong behaviour. And look at what the human imagination and religious politics has wrought...

Why are all the religions so scared of knowledge???

Ok, I'll keep Hinduism and Buddhism out of it as I know these encourage knowledge. Still...these are rather marginal religions if we happen to look global.

What happened to us?

How did we Human beings become so weak?


saso said...

here i've a little silly addition
lucifer has a very expressive meaning the prince of the pride.. in the Old Testament pride is the root of evils
but Islam was more realistic when mentioned that we all has a part of lucifer inside, we're not angels , God created us to live and try to be good
abt the sin of lucifer u'll find it wiz more details in holy Quran
he challenged god to abet all humans not only that kneeling to Adam thing
i'm thanking u for this post

Abhijit said...

thanx saso....think i'll try to go through the holy quran too!!!