Sunday, April 01, 2007


I am now in mysore...or shall I say Mahisur? The capital of Tippu Sultan...near the historical Shrirangapatnam....and there's magic in this place.

Yesterday...saturday....I went out with my coleagues/friends to the city and went to this palace museum called Jeganmohan Palace and I was stunned by the Painting collection....certain things defy expression....that did.....perhaps because its been quite a while since I've been in the company of something so marvellous....

And then gradually the flaws began to take their toll....bad maintenance....tourists(?) vandalizing the walls and the picture frames....I possibly could have killed a couple of them that day...

If you cannot respect or admire something....please at least show some trace of civillization in yourself and leave them alone for people who admire them...please...

but this perhaps has not much to do with appreciating 'art' as it is about having a good time outing with your 'friends and pals'.....ogling at females and howling about....

and the funniest thing is that my Mom keeps telling I'm too unsocial and that I should try and improve!

This society and this civillization.....I think I'm happy being myself!

Oh! And if you think you can appreciate a work of visit the museum....and stand in front of the 'Glow of Hope' in the museum....its a watercolour and I haven't seen many which are better. The museum also boasts of a self portrait by Rembrandt and quite a few Ravi Vermas.

Everything's eventual all right!

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